EDA with R
In this post, I will go over the what is perhaps the most important step in using R to analyze data–tidying. In fact, provided that many R functions work best on tidy data, I felt it necessary to learn how to correctly organize and format data. I hope that this post would be a useful reference guide for future data analysis projects using R. In addition, this post will briefly go over some exploratory data analysis examples in R for Data Science by Hadley Wickam and Garrett Grolemund.
table1 # sample tibble
country | year | cases | population |
Afghanistan | 1999 | 745 | 19987071 |
Afghanistan | 2000 | 2666 | 20595360 |
Brazil | 1999 | 37737 | 172006362 |
Brazil | 2000 | 80488 | 174504898 |
China | 1999 | 212258 | 1272915272 |
China | 2000 | 213766 | 1280428583 |
The picture below, which was taken from this paper and is available for redistribution under a Creative Commons license, shows a direct comparison between a tidy and an untidy dataset.
For the tidy dataset, the attributes of three observations–A, B, and C–are aligned horizontally. The columns are variables, and the rows are the observations. In general, packages in R such as dpylr
work best with tidy data, which makes the process of tidying messy data crucial in any efficient analysis projects. The following are some of the many things that one could do with tidy datasets.
table1 %>%
mutate(rate = cases / population * 1000) # add a new column called rate, with rate = cases / pop * 1000
country | year | cases | population | rate |
Afghanistan | 1999 | 745 | 19987071 | 0.0372741 |
Afghanistan | 2000 | 2666 | 20595360 | 0.1294466 |
Brazil | 1999 | 37737 | 172006362 | 0.2193930 |
Brazil | 2000 | 80488 | 174504898 | 0.4612363 |
China | 1999 | 212258 | 1272915272 | 0.1667495 |
China | 2000 | 213766 | 1280428583 | 0.1669488 |
table1 %>%
count(year, wt = cases) # count(variable1, wt = variable2) "groups by sum"
# group by year, sum by cases
year | n |
1999 | 250740 |
2000 | 296920 |
ggplot(table1, aes(year, cases)) +
geom_line(aes(group = country), color = 'grey50') +
geom_point(aes(color = country))
The four components of tidying data are as follows:
- Gathering
- Spreading
- Separating
- Uniting
Move values into columns (gather
To move column-name values into columns, use gather
. The function “gathers” values that are column names and moves those values into columns. To illustrate, gather
is used to change table4a
into table1[1:2]
table4a # to be changed to table1[1:2]
country | 1999 | 2000 |
Afghanistan | 745 | 2666 |
Brazil | 37737 | 80488 |
China | 212258 | 213766 |
country | year |
Afghanistan | 1999 |
Afghanistan | 2000 |
Brazil | 1999 |
Brazil | 2000 |
China | 1999 |
China | 2000 |
table4a %>%
gather('1999', '2000', key = "year", value = "cases") # '1999' and '2000' are to be moved to columns, "cases" is added as new column
country | year | cases |
Afghanistan | 1999 | 745 |
Brazil | 1999 | 37737 |
China | 1999 | 212258 |
Afghanistan | 2000 | 2666 |
Brazil | 2000 | 80488 |
China | 2000 | 213766 |
Move column data into separate columns (spread
table2 # to be converted to table1
# Observe the "type" column.
# Values in the "type" column (cases, population) are moved to separate categories.
country | year | type | count |
Afghanistan | 1999 | cases | 745 |
Afghanistan | 1999 | population | 19987071 |
Afghanistan | 2000 | cases | 2666 |
Afghanistan | 2000 | population | 20595360 |
Brazil | 1999 | cases | 37737 |
Brazil | 1999 | population | 172006362 |
Brazil | 2000 | cases | 80488 |
Brazil | 2000 | population | 174504898 |
China | 1999 | cases | 212258 |
China | 1999 | population | 1272915272 |
China | 2000 | cases | 213766 |
China | 2000 | population | 1280428583 |
country | year | cases | population |
Afghanistan | 1999 | 745 | 19987071 |
Afghanistan | 2000 | 2666 | 20595360 |
Brazil | 1999 | 37737 | 172006362 |
Brazil | 2000 | 80488 | 174504898 |
China | 1999 | 212258 | 1272915272 |
China | 2000 | 213766 | 1280428583 |
spread(table2, key = type, value = count) # observe two new columns: case, population
country | year | cases | population |
Afghanistan | 1999 | 745 | 19987071 |
Afghanistan | 2000 | 2666 | 20595360 |
Brazil | 1999 | 37737 | 172006362 |
Brazil | 2000 | 80488 | 174504898 |
China | 1999 | 212258 | 1272915272 |
China | 2000 | 213766 | 1280428583 |
Separating columns (separate
table3 # separate the data in the third column into two separate columns
country | year | rate |
Afghanistan | 1999 | 745/19987071 |
Afghanistan | 2000 | 2666/20595360 |
Brazil | 1999 | 37737/172006362 |
Brazil | 2000 | 80488/174504898 |
China | 1999 | 212258/1272915272 |
China | 2000 | 213766/1280428583 |
table3 %>%
separate(rate, into = c("cases", "population"), sep = "/")
# separates the data in the "rate" column into two separate columns: cases, population
country | year | cases | population |
Afghanistan | 1999 | 745 | 19987071 |
Afghanistan | 2000 | 2666 | 20595360 |
Brazil | 1999 | 37737 | 172006362 |
Brazil | 2000 | 80488 | 174504898 |
China | 1999 | 212258 | 1272915272 |
China | 2000 | 213766 | 1280428583 |
newTable <- table3 %>%
separate(rate, into = c("cases", "population"), sep = "/") %>%
# separates the data in the "rate" column into two separate columns: cases, population
separate(year, into = c("century", "year"), sep = 2)
# separates the year column into two columns, with two digits each
country | century | year | cases | population |
Afghanistan | 19 | 99 | 745 | 19987071 |
Afghanistan | 20 | 00 | 2666 | 20595360 |
Brazil | 19 | 99 | 37737 | 172006362 |
Brazil | 20 | 00 | 80488 | 174504898 |
China | 19 | 99 | 212258 | 1272915272 |
China | 20 | 00 | 213766 | 1280428583 |
Combining columns (unite
Uniting combines two columns into one, which makes it the opposite of separating.
newTable %>%
unite(new, century, year) # two columns (century, year) combined with _ as the connector.
country | new | cases | population |
Afghanistan | 19_99 | 745 | 19987071 |
Afghanistan | 20_00 | 2666 | 20595360 |
Brazil | 19_99 | 37737 | 172006362 |
Brazil | 20_00 | 80488 | 174504898 |
China | 19_99 | 212258 | 1272915272 |
China | 20_00 | 213766 | 1280428583 |
newTable %>%
unite(new, century, year, sep = "") # two columns (century, year) combined without any connector.
country | new | cases | population |
Afghanistan | 1999 | 745 | 19987071 |
Afghanistan | 2000 | 2666 | 20595360 |
Brazil | 1999 | 37737 | 172006362 |
Brazil | 2000 | 80488 | 174504898 |
China | 1999 | 212258 | 1272915272 |
China | 2000 | 213766 | 1280428583 |
Exploratory Data Analysis
EDA, although not strictly defined, consists of three parts:
- Visualization
- Transformation
- Modeling
In this post, a toy dataset called diamonds
supplied by tidyverse
will be used for EDA. The diamonds dataset contains information on approximately 54,000 diamonds, such as the quality of the cut and the price.
To use the dataset, first load tidyverse
and diamonds
Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'ggplot2':
method from
[.quosures rlang
c.quosures rlang
print.quosures rlang
Registered S3 method overwritten by 'rvest':
method from
read_xml.response xml2
-- Attaching packages --------------------------------------- tidyverse 1.2.1 --
√ ggplot2 3.1.1 √ purrr 0.3.2
√ tibble 2.1.1 √ dplyr
√ tidyr 0.8.3 √ stringr 1.4.0
√ readr 1.3.1 √ forcats 0.4.0
-- Conflicts ------------------------------------------ tidyverse_conflicts() --
x dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
x dplyr::lag() masks stats::lag()
Since the cut
variable is categorical, use a bar chart (geom_bar
) to visualize the diamonds’ distribution.
- Categorical:
- cut
- color
- clarity
- Continuous:
- price
- carat
- length, width, depth (x,y,z)
- Categorical:
ggplot(data = diamonds) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
ggtitle("Distribution based on Cut") +
geom_bar(mapping = aes(x = cut, fill = clarity)) # use `fill` to see cross-section for categorical variable
diamonds %>%
count(cut) # count() shows the number of diamonds in each category
cut | n |
Fair | 1610 |
Good | 4906 |
Very Good | 12082 |
Premium | 13791 |
Ideal | 21551 |
Meanwhile, since carat
is a continuous variable, use a histogram (geom_histogram
) to view the distribution.
ggplot(data = diamonds) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
ggtitle("Distribution based on Carat") +
geom_histogram(mapping = aes(x = carat, fill = color), binwidth = 0.5)
diamonds %>%
count(cut_width(carat, 0.5))
cut_width(carat, 0.5) | n |
[-0.25,0.25] | 785 |
(0.25,0.75] | 29498 |
(0.75,1.25] | 15977 |
(1.25,1.75] | 5313 |
(1.75,2.25] | 2002 |
(2.25,2.75] | 322 |
(2.75,3.25] | 32 |
(3.25,3.75] | 5 |
(3.75,4.25] | 4 |
(4.25,4.75] | 1 |
(4.75,5.25] | 1 |
To view a smaller subset of the data satisfying a certain condition or several conditions, use filter()
smaller <- diamonds %>%
filter(carat < 2 && color == "E")
ggplot(data = smaller, mapping = aes(x = carat, color = clarity)) +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.1)
To view multiple distributions over a single variable, one must put multiple histograms over one another, which would obviously be hard to visualize. This is where geom_freqpoly
comes in–by replacing histograms with lines, visualization is made much easier.
ggplot(data = smaller, mapping = aes(x = carat, color = cut)) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
ggtitle("Distribution of Cut per Carat") +
geom_freqpoly(binwidth = 0.1)
Replacing Values
When preprocessing data, there will almost always be strange data–data whose values do not make any sense. When convinced enough that those pieces of data are invalid, two options remain: one, simply drop the rows containing the strange data, or two, replace those values with NA
(not available). The book recommends that the second option, for the reason that in some cases, there may not be enough data to simply delete those rows.
tibbleW <- tribble(
~w, ~x, ~y, ~z,
"a", 2, 1, "q",
"b", 3, 100, "w",
"c", 4, 1, "x",
"d", 5, 110, "y",
w | x | y | z |
a | 2 | 1 | q |
b | 3 | 100 | w |
c | 4 | 1 | x |
d | 5 | 110 | y |
tibbleW1 <- tibbleW %>%
mutate(y = ifelse(y < 10, NA, y)) # look to the `y` column, replace any value in the y column less than 10 with "NA"
w | x | y | z |
a | 2 | NA | q |
b | 3 | 100 | w |
c | 4 | NA | x |
d | 5 | 110 | y |
To visualize the relationship between two variables–one categorical and the other continuous–use geom_freqpoly()
to graph the distribution of observations based on the continuous variable, for each categorical variable.
The following example shows the diamonds’ distribution of price (continuous), categorized by the cut quality (categorical).
ggplot(data = diamonds) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
ggtitle("Price Distribution per Cut") +
geom_freqpoly(mapping = aes(x = price, color = cut), binwidth = 500)
In determining the relationship between price and quality, however, one must observe the fact that there are a different number of diamonds per cut category.
ggplot(diamonds) +
geom_bar(mapping = aes(x = cut))
In the above geom_freqpoly
graph, the y axis is set to be “count”, while the x axis is “price”. The most visibly striking aspect of the graph is the tall yellow peak at about 1,200 dillars for price. This yellow peak is taller than the other distributions’ peaks at about the same price–far taller, in fact. This gives the illusion that the percentage of diamonds that occupy that 1,200 peak in price is also far greater for the ideal
category than it is for the good
This assumption is invalid though, and for two reasons. First, the y axis is “count,” not “percentage” or “density,” and second, there are a lot more diamonds in the ideal
category than the good
category. In short, one cannot compare the difference in distribution by comparing the difference in count.
Another problem with the graph is that one cannot easily compare the mean diamond price of each cut quality. The graph may deceive people into believing that the 1,200 dollar yellow peak implies a mean price closer to 1,200 dollars for ideal-cut diamonds than other mean prices. However, this is not necessarily true, given the difference in the area under each graph corresponding to the diamond count for each cut quality.
data = diamonds,
mapping = aes(x = price, y = ..density..) # notice the argument "y = ..density"
) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
ggtitle("Price Density Distribution per Cut") +
geom_freqpoly(mapping = aes(color = cut), binwidth = 500)
The graph above, in which the area under each line is the same, suggests that fair-cut diamonds have an average price closer to 2,500 dollars, rather than 1,200 dollars. In fact, it appears as though fair-cut diamonds have the highest mean price among the diamonds of each cut quality.
s1 <- subset(diamonds, cut=='Fair')
# head(s1[7])
s1[7] %>%
summarize(mean = mean(price)) # average price of fairly cut diamonds = $4358
idealD1 <- diamonds %>%
filter(cut == "Good") %>%
summarize(mean = mean(price))
idealD1 # average price of good cut diamonds = $3457
idealD3 <- diamonds %>%
filter(cut == "Premium") %>%
summarize(mean = mean(price))
idealD3 # average price of premium cut diamonds = $3457
idealD4 <- diamonds %>%
filter(cut == "Ideal") %>%
summarize(mean = mean(price))
idealD4 # average price of ideally cut diamonds = $3457
mean |
4358.758 |
mean |
3928.864 |
mean |
4584.258 |
mean |
3457.542 |
ggplot(data = diamonds, mapping = aes(x = cut, y = price)) +
To order the boxplots in increasing median values, add a x = reorder()
argument to mapping = aes()
# Ordered by increasing median values
ggplot(data = diamonds) +
geom_boxplot(mapping = aes(
x = reorder(cut, price, FUN = median),
y = price))
To get a more visually striking picture of the distribution of diamonds in terms of cut and color, use a heatmap-like geom
object called “geom_tile.”
diamonds %>%
count(color, cut) %>%
ggplot(mapping = aes(x = color, y = cut)) +
geom_tile(mapping = aes(fill = n))
From the geom_tile
diagram above, it appears as though ideal-cut diamonds with color G are the majority, followed by the diamonds in the adjacent cut categories, and finally the fair-cut diamonds.