
This is a repository for my memory, where I record what I have self-studied.

There are largely two purposes of this blog. The first and foremost is to make a physical record of what I studied on my own, so as to not forget. The second is to provide what little help I could give to fellow students studying similar materials.

For this blog, I would like to make clear that I have no intention of showing off academic aptitude–in fact, it is my goal to retain a humble attitude as a student. Although not necessarily proficient in Chinese, there is this saying in the Analects by Confucius:


“If people do not recognize me and it doesn’t bother me, am I not a *noble man?”*

The saying, in the context of this short introduction to my blog, means that a student must devote him or herself to his or her studies, regardless of whether others acknowledge the student’s efforts or not. This particular saying, to me personally, is a potent reminder that one should not show off one’s efforts, as studying is not done for others, but oneself only. Keeping such a phrase in my mind, I hope to maintain humility in my pursuit of knowledge, and challenge myself of yesterday to see farther.

I still have a long way to go, but I aspire to achieve more today than I could do yesterday.